Thursday, November 18, 2010

Can soy milk replace milk?

Soy milk is often the preferred choice for individuals who do not consume animal products or who cannot tolerate the lactose in cow's milk. Soy milk can be used in a variety of ways and in many different resipes. It should be substituted at a ratio of one-to-one with cow's milk making it an easy switch for anything from coffee beverages to casserole recipes.

The major difference between soymilk and "regular" milk (predominantly cow's milk in the United States; goat and sheep's milk are other options) is that one is derived from a plant and the other from an animal. Although ethical, hypothetical, or debatable issues frequently arise when discussing this subject, this answer is going to deal strictly with the nutritional differences between these two kinds of milk.

What's most commonly referred to as milk is cow's milk, which is a product of the mammary gland. As with all other animal-based foods, it's a complete protein; that is, it supplies people with all the necessary amino acids to form proteins. All cow's milk contain 8 grams of protein and 12 grams of carbohydrate per cup. Cow's milk is a rich source of other nutrients as well. One cup provides adults with 30 percent of their daily calcium needs and about 50 percent of their vitamin B12 and riboflavin requirements. Often it's fortified with vitamin D to facilitate the absorption of calcium. Vitamin A is usually added to milk as well. Depending on the selection, cow's milk can have a significant amount of fat. (See the chart at the end of the answer for a comparison of the fat content of some varieties of milk.)

Lactose, the primary carbohydrate in cow's milk, poses a digestive problem for some people. These folks are deficient in the lactase enzyme that's needed to break down this milk sugar, causing gas, bloating, and diarrhea after consuming some forms of dairy products. The solution is to purchase products with the lactose already broken down, to take the enzyme in the form of a pill or drops, or to find a substitute for these foods.

Soymilk is not technically a milk, but a beverage made from soybeans. It is the liquid that remains after soybeans are soaked, finely ground, and then strained. Since it doesn't contain any lactose, soymilk is suitable for lactose intolerant folks. It's also a popular cow's milk substitute for vegetarians since it's based on a plant source (others include rice, oat, almond, coconut, and potato milk).

Soy foods are the only plant-based complete proteins. One cup of unfortified soymilk contains almost 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrate, 4½ grams of fat, and no cholesterol. Although soymilk supplies some B vitamins, it's not a good source of B12, nor does it provide a significant amount of calcium. Since many people substitute soy beverages for cow's milk, manufacturers have offered fortified versions. These varieties may include calcium and vitamins E, B12, and D, among other nutrients. If you choose soymilk, read labels carefully to be sure you're getting enough of these important nutrients.

Soymilk may help some people reduce their risk for heart disease. Soy naturally contains isoflavones, plant chemicals that help lower LDL ("bad" cholesterol) if taken as part of a "heart healthy" eating plan. The recommendation is to take in about 25 grams of soy protein per day. One cup of soymilk has about 7 - 10 grams of protein, depending on the brand. Women who have had breast cancer may want to limit their intake of soy protein, as some studies have pointed to possible harm from consuming excess soy in this group.

All in all, what you choose to drink is really a matter of personal preference and your health objectives. You may find this chart helpful in comparing the nutritional qualities between cow's milk and soymilk [per 1 cup (8 oz.) serving]:

Product Calories Fat(g) %fat Calcium(mg)* Vit. B12(mcg)*
Cow's Milk:

Whole milk 150 8 48 290 .87
Reduced fat (2%) 120 5 38 297 .89
Low fat (1%) 100 3 27 300 .90
Skim 85 0.4 4 302 .93

Unfortified 79 4.5 51 10 0
Fortified ** 130 4 28 200 1.0

*RDA (men and women) for: Calcium: 1,000 - 1,300 milligrams/day (depending upon age) Vitamin B12: 2.0 micrograms/day


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